An order can have one of the following statuses:
a. Accepted;
b. Started move to delivery location;
c. Arrived at delivery location;
d. Delivery started;
e. Delivery finished;
f. Departed from delivery location;
g. Completed;
h. Failed.
To change an order status:
1. Ensure Dispatcher is selected under ‘Role’.
2. Open the Track & trace window.
3. On the upper toolbar, apply appropriate filters and then click Apply.
The appropriate orders are displayed and grouped under drivers/vehicles.
4. Select which order you would like to amend the status of and click
(Actions) which will open a separate window displaying the Actions window. See example below.Figure 1 – Changing order status
5. In the Actions window, click the appropriate new status.
The new status will then be assigned to the order.