В правой зоне Экрана планирования представлен список Незапланированных заказов, которые должны планироваться на выбранную дату. Список незапланированных заказов состоит из отдельных карточек заказов.
Рисунок 1. Список незапланированных заказов на Экране планирования
Давайте рассмотрим отдельную карточку заказа. Каждая карточка заказа отражает информацию о заказе. Она содержит следующие данные (смотрите рисунок ниже):
Figure 2. An Order card in the list of Unplanned orders on the Planning screen
To see more information about an order, just hover a cursor over an order card in the Unplanned orders list and the order tooltip displaying the order information will appear:
Figure 3. An order tooltip displaying the order information
The Unplanned orders can be filtered by their reference numbers or by the name of location. Click the drop-down list box under the planning date to select the filtering mode - "Search by reference" or "Search by location". Type in a reference number or a name of location in this field and Maxoptra will display an order or several orders with the specified order reference or name of location.
Figure 4. Orders filtering by the name of location ("Search by location") Figure 5. Orders filtering by their reference ("Search by reference")
You may also sort the orders by different order attributes:
- order reference (the orders are sorted by their order numbers)
- order size (the orders are sorted by their weight)
- order time (the orders are sorted by their operation time windows)
- order task (the orders are sorted according to their task - collection or delivery).
All Orders are repeated on the Map located on the bottom of the screen. Using the Map you can monitor all orders and all routes. Each route has its own colour.