You can plan separate orders or runs consisting of several orders on the Gantt Chart. An order on the Gantt Chart looks like the one in the figure below:
Figure 1. An order on the Gantt Chart
If you hover a cursor over an order on the Gantt Chart a pop-up window with the order information will appear:
Figure 2. A pop-up window with the order information.
The orange line on the order card means the driving time of a driver. Hovering a cursor over the orange line will show you the information about the driving distance and the driving duration for this order. The black line means the loading or unloading time (Operation duration). Hovering a cursor over the black line on the order card will show you the operation duration information.
Figure 3. The information on the order driving distance and driving duration Figure 4. The information on the order operation duration
Clicking on the order on the Gantt Chart will highlight a respective order marker on the map and show the order capacity information in the right upper corner of the map.
Figure 5. An order on the Gantt Chart, its marker and its capacity information on the map.
Hover a cursor over a respective order marker on the map to see the order information in the pop-up window.
Figure 6. The order information in the pop-up window.