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In the Maxoptra System the customer locations window is used to hold the locations which belong to the clients of a transportation company. This can be a store, a point of sale, a warehouse or any other type of location. Multiple customer locations can be associated with the same client.

Customer locations can be created both manually within the system, as described below, and by importing them into the system. When importing, multiple customer locations are created within the system automatically.

For more information about importing, see Importing orders.Окно "Расположения клиента" используется в системе Максоптра для хранения информации по расположениям, принадлежащим клиентам транспортной компании. Это может быть магазин, торговая точка, склад или любое другое место. Один клиент может иметь несколько расположений клиента.

Расположения клиента можно создать в системе вручную, как описано ниже, либо импортировать их в систему.

Для получения информации об импорте обратитесь к разделу Импорт заказов. 

Such parameters of a customer location such as "Time of operations", "Preferred drivers" and "Vehicle requirements" affect the automatic planning. For example, specified drivers will receive orders for a specific customer location and the scheduling drop off time should be within the operations time of the customer location. Or, for example, a vehicle equipped with a tail lift to unload the goods will be planned for a customer location that does not have a loading dock. 
